4 year olds -
Creative Play Time - this age group requires a very high teacher pupil ratio. These young children need huge attention and constant input. This play time should be organised so that they learn:
Creative abilities - of all types (incl music)
Language & Social skills
Motor skills and abilities
Movement, balance & stretching
Basic numbers and counting
Age 5-7
As above with advancing skills in all areas
Basic work with technology
Number application through play
Group play, creative role play
Creativity, music, arts, acting, role-pay
Safety and use of common household tools
Introduction to the wider world
Building on the early years, we should now aim to improve social understanding, creativity, group play and role playing abilities. These skills should now be introduce and practiced to create the more complex skills required for life.
Advanced social & language skills using complex role plays and group activities should be part of all learning activities:
Movement & fitness skills - understanding how to maintain the body in great shape for the future. This includes fitness training, personal protection, sports for those who enjoy them, movement and games for those that don't feel the need to compete.
Understanding the mind and body, including food and food preparation, practice games and role plays to improve concentration & relaxation.
Creativity training, techniques to enhance creative thinking in all areas, including music, arts, new ideas training.
Introduction to global issues; different societies, their faiths and governance systems, different systems of commerce and business.
Learning about the use of research tools to find out new information and how to evaluate this information.
Modern technology, why it is used and practical applications. Games and projects using technology that highlights its practical effectiveness.
Introduction of modern presentation methods using verbal, movement, and technical tools.
Advanced social, creative thinking & technical skills and abilities - demonstrating these through group play and role play and individual project work.
Significant projects using modern tools to mirror real world's systems and issues. These young adults should be able to provide quality research and feedback the information and resultsto their peers.
Good understanding of modern technical systems, including the fundamentals of how they work and how they are being developed further.
High levels skills for fitness, relaxation, personal protection & food preparation.
Understanding of different roles within groups and the society. Personalities and their differing needs within social groups, families and jobs.
Music, arts, discussion groups, writing, plays poetry for those who wish to take these further.
High level understanding of numbers and high level skills in manipulating numbers. High level understanding of modern political, economic & financial systems, home finance, and personal finance.
There does seem to be some confusion about how we should develop the mind & body. Perhaps over the years it has been hijacked by some odd ideas, perhaps it is that grown-ups have themselves not been fully developed to appreciate the core issues and the future benefits. In consequence many parents find it difficult to know how best to develop their own children.
There are however some basic, well understood, well practiced processes and methods for improving life long abilities. These apply to both the mind and the body. Unfortunately, most individuals do not get the chance to be taught these. The earlier we introduce children to such proven procedures the more likely they will become life long tools for all of them to benefit from.
These should therefore be part and parcel of the 'Fit for Life' programme outlined in CST.
Here we list the essential requirements:-
1) Learning to control the mind and improving thinking
2) Body & Mind Fitness