Maybe this is the time for a revolution. Almost silent, yet with astounding repercussions. The ‘normal’ human has rarely if ever been in control. Either some tyrant, slave owner or just the weather, lack of food or the beasts have interfered with our ‘freedoms’.
Perhaps now, or at least very soon, we all have a chance of taking back control from the profit seeking businesses, the government departments, the tax man and the drudgery of being a desk slave.
And, perhaps it is really very simple. So simple, that this idea has not been noticed; yet it has been here all along, floating directly in front of our eyes.
Hmm… an interesting thought. Here we all are, hurtling towards a new paradigm of work, creativity, lifestyle and future prosperity, yet if we lifted our heads and really looked around – what would we see?
An amazing world, yes significantly damaged already by our stupid actions, yet compared to older generations and what they had available, it is magnificent. Now, I see I have already lost you.
What happens if we stand our societies upside down? If we place ourselves at the core of control and not the many large businesses who are simply using us for their profits and their wage slaves or the many government organisations that impose their often silly ideas upon us. We do not need these businesses or control systems, we do not need the state to look after us, we do not have to adhere to the normality of sitting behind a desk most of the day to pay for something that is already ours.
Hmm…But I can here you prevaricating, sounds great but how do we actually move our lives to this new Utopia, surely we still need to work, we still need a pension, we still need to buy or rent soemwhere to live? Bear with me here - all shall become clear.
Let us really understand where we are now. Technology has created many, many possibilities and is moving ahead at an astounding pace. And, yes we do need to keep technology moving forward – because without it, we are back in the old days of struggling to live and working 24/7 to feed, house and clothe ourselves. No one wants that, and anyway, how on earth could we feed eight billion people without technology helping us in some form?
But, do we need the many ‘just For Profit’ Businesses? No, clearly we do not as the technology is indeed our technology not owned by a few people, (although they would like us to believe that it is). No, our technology is based upon very many generations of people and their inventions. It cannot be ‘owned’ by a person or a company, just like the land and the sea and the rivers - technology does indeed belong to all of us equally.
Imagine the guy or woman who invents the first bow & arrow. The next person who sees it, discards his throwing stone, and starts making himself a bow and arrow. The original technologist/toolmaker cannot own the invention of this new tool, it is part of what humans have been borne to do, and the whole society benefits and always has done so.
This is why our world exists today. The current laws may not agree with this – but of course these laws just reflect the last hundred years or so where the large corporations decided to run everything including our governance. And they have caused us and the planet great harm and continue to do so. This is why we need a paradigm shift in our thinking. Just take the example of Elon Musk - just a business owner - who really does believe he can tell us all how to live - to benefit his own businesses. Clearly, what nonesense.
It is wrong to believe that anyone or any corporation or body of people can own human technology or any part of our planet - whatever the current law states. 'Off with their heads', history will prove us correct... eventually.
In the past, the large companies have taken control of just about everything. They give it fancy names like; growth and pensions and jobs and investment. This has always been a mirage. Few large businesses have every worked hard to improve humanity, most have used humanity for making their owners and their shareholders rich. Ah, but you say, those shares are part of our future pension – yes, perhaps they were in the old days, but they are not now as your pension does not exists any longer (see value of money after AGI).
So, today, everything has changed – yet we do not perceive it. The reason we do not perceive it is that almost everyone is trying to convince you that nothing has really changed. The media – all of it – talks about growth, profits, jobs, housing, prices, inflation, wages – but none of this actually means anything any longer, it is harping back to a past age, one that is now dying.
The world has moved on – because we are moving technically into a new age. It is the age of the individual and of ‘Social Intelligence’.
We have all the tools for our revolution. We can communicate, do many things very efficiently and we can organise ourselves very effectively. After all, these are the basis for living an effective and efficient life. Many people excel at something specific, many others wish to. Most of us see the need to change the way we work and play. Most, have not seen the light – just yet.
AGI (artificial general intelligence) is almost with us. Just this week a Chinese organisation (open to the world for both their ‘products’ and their ‘science’), DeepSeek has shown another move towards achieving this goal. The world reacted with its usual pre-programmed fashion kowtowing to the ‘For Profit business’ who were flinging their arms about whinging about shares and profits - and completely missing the point that humans – all of us – have moved significantly closer to achieving the age of ‘Social Intelligence’. This end, is after all, what humans have been attempting to reach for thousands of years. Few people get it.
So, why now – we do not yet have a ‘Smart Robot’ or a AGI system. No, not quite yet, but it is clear that these are coming within a few years. It matters not whether this is five years or twenty years. But it has already changed the scope of what humans can achieve today. We are waiting on the station platform for the new train, and it will arrive, and we know that the forward journey will take far less time than if we start walking now. so we wait. Yet, the imminent arrival of the train has already changed our plans.
While we are waiting, what should we do? We can already see the future – ‘money for nothing and our goods for free.’ We can already see that the ONLY safe way for the planet and ourselves is to move into this new era where the individual is set free within a new paradigm of social behaviour.
This behaviour must start with the understanding that the planet is indeed very small for eight or more billion people. It must start with the immutable fact that we all own the planet and its finite resources, including all of the technology that humans have created. That is the start point. Everything else follows this understanding and acceptance.
With the AGI and smart robotic express train coming, we can move quickly towards the era of Social Intelligence. We accept the earth belongs to us all, yet we individually, and together, can create what we seek for our own lives and our children’s lives. The coming express train allows us to start our journey today. We know that our pensions have already long gone, we know that soon the manufacture of food, goods, technology and many services will be available for everyone at little or no cost. Yet, the society has major issues – health, housing, education to name but a few.
But, hold on, if the machines are doing nearly all the work then we are free to solve those issues – we just need to see that we can actually achieve this – and then we have entered the age of Social Intelligence.
Social Intelligence is defined as; "The basic uderstanding that we, the people, have in our own hands the methods and the ability to re-create our world for ourselves and our children".
But, of course, standing in our way are the ‘For Profit Businesses', the media, the politicians, the doomsayers and in fact most of humanity as it has not yet seen the light. Hopefully humanity as a whole will see it in time. What is in our favour is the very nature of the current thrust of western societies – the ‘For Profit’ businesses that include the tech companies – these are caught up within the creation of their own downfall. Some of the tech people probably know this already and are making plans. But the rest are just following the current conventions that they believe will never change.
The world is not like that, it never was and never will be. Humans are however poor at considering timescales that flow across generations, life is short and we perceive our own time as the here and now. The greedy profit makers are not really interested in others anyway – their lives are driven to maximise their personal wealth and status. Thus they are missing this coming challenge taht is almost upon us all. Maybe, if we start soon enough, our momentum towards creating the age of Social Intelligence will become unstoppable and the owners of the large businesses will be too slow to prevent us from succeeding.
So what is to be done? We can start small as small has amazing properties. Small means working together, as individuals leveraging our skills and technology. Small is necessary – only by being small can we stick together and create change and build upon ideas. People are social beings, we always were – however far back you go – social beings that thrive in small communities. Think of your own lives - it is likely that the small community structures; the sports club, the men’s shed, the local community hub, the small local office where you work, the online community for your hobby, the local pub, the allotment, the choir … much of what is important to your lives already revolves around small social gatherings and in achieving some sort of goal.
Small is the way forward, it leads us towards the age of Social Intelligence. What has already become different today, is that small organisations can now do immense stuff. In the past humans were hampered by many issues. Imagine trying to create significant change or build a massive structure in an age before modern tech with just a few people in a small town. Not enough knowledge, not enough people, not enough materials, not enough time… Yet today we have technology filling in most if not all of these gaps. Today, a small group can harness the information, the ideas, the materials, more people when required to do the heavy lifting and the resources from afar. Everything is now possible for the small local band of people who have entered our new age of Social Intelligence. They are even stronger when they work togetgher towards a new aim - the building of a new society for a new age.
And, importantly, we do not require the large businesses, or need to ask for their agreement; ‘by your leave’ is not required. Often, we shall not even require the local government to help, we can just start our projects with goodwill and provide improvements for ourselves and our communities. As our jobs go to the AGI’s and the smart robots, then we spend more of our time creating really useful stuff through our small organisations. We can set about solving the deep-seated issues – healthcare, education, traffic congestion, local energy provision, crime and drugs. Small groups are the basis that our new age of Social Intelligence grows from.
This new age of Social Intelligence and utilising small organisations to achieve improvements within all of our communities has profound political consequences. Today, governments pretend that they create the structures and disciplines to keep our societies safe. Yet, they have all failed to prevent the ‘For Profit’ businesses taking control and harming both us and the planet directly.
CST has already written about simple yet profound changes that can be achieved today, (see: Here is an Idea), where technology is harnesses to solve issues such as traffic congestion and pollution. Here the robo-taxis became fully autonomous – they owned themselves – no big business, no rip-off profits, no coercion, yet an ongoing convenient way of harnessing technology for improving the local community. The idea that the tech can own itself will frighten all the megalomaniacs - as they understand that their power-base will be dwindling very fast and very soon. This robo-taxi idea is not futuristic – it could be in place and working tomorrow – it just needs implementing. We have all the tech already proven and working across the world. And we can apply the idea of the tech owning itself for the good of all humanity to everything in the future – all part of the silent revolution.
As we move into the age of Social Intelligence we need much less from our political masters. We will not need their overarching help and protection, most things within our communities are much better dealt with by our new small organisations – because we are local and are directly part of those communities. All we need from our government is to provide a strong civil structure that enshrines our right to think for ourselves and to ensure that the old big businesses have zero control on our lives, our housing, our facilities, our tools and our land. Not too much to ask is it?
As our new age moves forward – let’s say in thirty to fifty years time – what has improved? Education has, health and welfare has, housing has, crime prevention has. And what of the society generally – we can expect a new age of enlightenment – with better ‘eyes open’ education and improved standards of living, for everyone, with better healthcare and more community spirit many of the current underlying issues will have lessened.
Of course, the reality of geo-politics means the world is split into the have’s and have not’s. Unfortunately humans have missed the opportunity to bring the world into balance economically and socially. We can see a future where the inevitable wars between the many fractions become fully automated. It may well be our self-owned automata verses the capitalists or the something-’ists. Only time will tell, but perhaps, when others can see that they too can see a way of moving into the age of Social Intelligence, then normal humans will find a true peace.
By fifty years hence, few will have ‘proper jobs’, our Social Intelligence’ will have multiplied by the many people seeking to make a difference and by the by then immensely capable help form our technologies – technologies that will still improve, but not for the few to gain their billions, but for all of us to help us live the way we choose to. And yes many people may choose a life of doing and achieving little – yet, our basic human endeavour will not be lost – many will seek to improve themselves and others around them. The lesson we will have learnt is that small communities are the best framework to achieve immense things.
The age of Social Intelligence should then prevail for some time – perhaps until we find a way to explore our galaxy, then, no doubt the Musk’s of this world will ‘sling their hook’ and charge off to re-create nightmare worlds around other stars.
Technology provides the sustenance for our new age of Social Intelligence. Make no mistake, we cannot simply ditch technology, we are in the very last stage of our transition from a human animal that needs to work to live, to a human intelligence that is free to do what it chooses.
The tech today provides for communication, efficiency of working, ability to find knowledge, techniques & tools that help us create and do amazing things. It will also, (in future), do all the mundane tasks of providing food, water, energy, shelter and the tech itself. It is far too late to turn the tech off – and anyway what stage would we go back to? The stone age, the iron age, the steam age or the age just before computerisation?
It would make no sense whichever level of tech we chose, we would still be using technology as that is what makes us human – we are toolmakers. We must find a new way forward utilising our technology for our own personal, community and social advantage.
How can we organise ourselves quickly and effectively? Simple; a new app for the age of Social Intelligence – programmed and created by the AI systems – for free, for everyone, and not owned or delivered by a large ‘For Profit’ companies. Such an app would harness different models of organisation, each enhancing our goals and our working as a team of people.
It would ensure a level playing field, it would provide safe communication, it would create a safe place to bring in others to help and also link to external organisations. It would look after any ‘money’ or resources. It would ensure fairness and openness. Let's do it.
We take back control, we create what we need, our own small groups delivering for ourselves and our communities – without any profits flowing to the big companies.
We have our revolution – silently – and we have taken back control
- forever!
We stand at a crossroads in human history. The rapid advancement of technology—artificial intelligence, robotics, and decentralized systems—has the potential to either deepen inequality and conflict or empower humanity to create a more just, sustainable, and free society. The choice is ours.
The Social Intelligence Revolution is a call to action. It is a vision of a future where technology serves humanity, where communities thrive through collaboration, and where the power of individuals replaces the dominance of corporations and states. This is not a return to the past, but a leap into a new era of human potential.
Decentralisation of Power:
We believe in shifting power from centralized entities—corporations, governments, and monopolies—to individuals and communities. Technology should empower people, not control them.
Human-Centric Technology:
AI and robotics must serve humanity, not replace it. We reject the dehumanising effects of automation and embrace tools that enhance creativity, connection, and well-being.
Sustainability and Stewardship:
The Earth’s resources are finite. We commit to using technology to manage resources wisely, reduce waste, and ensure that future generations inherit a thriving planet.
Equity and Inclusion:
Every person, regardless of background or location, should have access to the benefits of this revolution. We will work to dismantle barriers and create systems that uplift the marginalised.
Collaboration Over Competition:
We believe that the greatest challenges of our time can only be solved through cooperation. Competition divides; collaboration unites.
Freedom and Autonomy:
True freedom means liberation from exploitative work, oppressive systems, and unnecessary scarcity. We envision a world where individuals have the time, resources, and support to pursue their passions and contribute to their communities.
We envision a world where:
Communities are self-sufficient: Local groups use AI and robotics to produce food, energy, and goods, reducing dependence on global supply chains.
Resources are shared equitably: Transparent, decentralized systems ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.
Work is optional, not obligatory: Automation liberates people from repetitive labor, allowing them to focus on creativity, care, and community.
Decision-making is participatory: Technology enables everyone to have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, from local councils to global governance.
Conflict is replaced by cooperation: Nations and communities work together to solve shared challenges, from climate change to resource scarcity.
Build the Tools:
Develop open-source AI, robotics, and decentralised systems that empower communities to manage resources, make decisions, and collaborate effectively.
Create Pilot Programs:
Launch small-scale experiments in communities around the world to test and refine the principles of the Social Intelligence Revolution.
Foster Global Collaboration:
Share knowledge, tools, and resources across borders, creating a network of communities committed to this vision.
Advocate for Change:
Work with governments, organisations, and individuals to create policies and systems that support decentralisation, sustainability, and equity.
Inspire a Movement:
Use storytelling, art, and media to spread the ideas of the Social Intelligence Revolution and inspire people to join the cause.
The Social Intelligence Revolution begins with you. Whether you are a technologist, an artist, a community leader, or simply someone who dreams of a better world, you have a role to play. Together, we can:
Reimagine the future: Challenge the status quo and envision a world where technology serves humanity.
Build the foundations: Create the tools, systems, and communities that will make this vision a reality.
Spread the word: Share this manifesto and inspire others to join the movement.
The time for change is now. Let us rise to the challenge and create a future that is free, fair, and full of possibility.
If you believe in this vision, join us. Together, we can build a world where technology empowers humanity, where communities thrive, and where the future is brighter for all.
Why Not Take Back Control?
Jan 29 2025
Humans are entering a new age –
- the age of Social Intelligence
Is this the way forward for humanity as we enter the age of AGI and Smart Robotics?
The Social Intelligence Revolution begins today!