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The Internet changes global scope.  People and Governments are only just realising the massive opportunities that this global communication channel enables.  With just a fraction of the world’s £160 trillion global wealth it would now be possible to create a world-wide process for change. CST puts forward ideas for a new model organisation, showing the way forward in key areas of development.

A New Type Of Organisation

- How much would it cost to change the world?

CST has been looking at this question and attempting to pull together some ideas and solutions for creating real change in the real world.

The human race already has the technology and resources to solve most of the problems behind delivering fairness and equality across the globe.  We know this, and we know that the real issues preventing progress are political, fractional and the prevailing organisation behind economics and trade.

Everyday the world shrinks.  The Internet and mobile communication systems have created a new world and this opens real opportunities for world intervention at an individual level.  This is new, only a few years old, but it is a fundamental change in world-wide possibilities for many of the world’s population and will massively influence the democratic processes in due course. 

Politics and governance are way behind the timeline of these technological changes. Little has been done with this new technology to incorporate it within the democratic process. Few Governments, (or people generally), are yet aware or understand this irrevocable change and how, historically, it will be seen as a turning point for the human race.

A key opportunity now presents itself.  Humans across the globe may now act in unison using these new communication technologies.  While Governments and fanatics are pre-occupied with local issues, using old power structures to maintain their will, the larger world populace have an opportunity to do something different.  The issue now is to create a global movement for change that encompasses, for the first time, the needs and aspirations of the global majority. This new communication technology takes us a big step closer.

There are already many organisation's and philanthropists (Gates, Wellcome, Oxfam, Unicef, et al), that are ‘doing their bit’ to help in many areas of health, welfare, elimination of poverty, child projection etc etc.  However, none of these currently provide joined-up thinking or provide a new model for moving the world forward.

Many observers and commentators fall back with the plaintive cry ‘we have tried all the alternatives (socialism, communism, dictatorship et al), and we are left with capitalism as the only sensible option.  CST thinks that this is sloppy thinking. 

There are many other potential organisational structures. Some may provide the right mix for harnessing our essential competitive nature while providing for a sustainable world, a world that moves towards freedom, equality and fairness for everyone on the planet.  As the march of technology provides increasingly for the reduction of jobs, along with the ability to crowdsource, new thinking is paramount as current economic systems will not work in the future.

Where is the ‘model’ that creates such a new vision? A vision, strong enough to make it a cause célèbre.   CST has considered this missing model, and now CST puts forward ideas that may help create such a new model structure enabling global change. 

This model is self-fulfilling, as it works bottom up, for the people by the people and creates a world-wide structure that acts as a new type of organisation, one that could become a model for future adaption across the world.

In brief, this new Model Organisation is based on the following structure & principles:-

The stated aims

To promote the following world-wide:-

All organisation based on this new model would all have core competencies:-

Fundamental Issues to be promoted:-

Implementation & Project Ideas

On the back of crowdsourced education, (see below) the ideas behind this new model organisation can be promoted.  The focus must be on how individuals may work together to form new organisations that can impact both global and local issues.

There are many issues that can be tackled.  CST has chosen a range as examples that represent fundamental processes.  These new model organisations could be split into the following project areas, each being separately accountable and independent, but incorporating the overall aims of the fundamental transformation.   

Projects would be tackled on the basis of what can be sensibly be achieved and not for idealistic projects where local politics or other factors make success unlikely.

Example - World-wide Education support

Using the new MOOCS and similar worldwide operations supporting education, especially aimed at parts of the third-world and for children whom have limited access to educational resources.  The aim would be to pull together these many resources and provide help, research and technology to any of these projects that feel the need to participate. Specific funding could be provided for low level projects where there was a clear need.

A) The funding for continuing development and provision of low cost tablets capable of using 2G or 3G connections specifically linked to the efforts of MOOCS aimed at these children.  The co-ordination of crowd-sourcing for re-developing each and every course from MOOC providers to provide support for local languages.
B) Using fast track methods in western countries to provide a critical thinking majority.  This may be achieved using direct funding for fast track methods for school leaver ages.  Coupled to local businesses partners, this process would provide direct employment in those businesses of capable young people.  In this way it would provide an incentive for young people to tackle the fast track course.  While courses would provide for excellence in business thinking, it would also provide for wider understanding of world issues and the ability for developing the student’s critical thinking (see FST).

Example - Creating a Local Economic Development Model

This would be a showcase project.  Conducted within a geographical area where it is likely to succeed irrespective of local politics and customs.  The process would take a poor economic populace and develop from the ground up a supporting structure for economic advancement.

If successful it would demonstrate that by using modern materials and techniques along with modern educational processes a local area can quickly develop a self-sustaining ability.

A secondary stage where the initial factory units are grown into a hub of local units with nearby food systems, water systems and housing and school units along with the infrastructure for communications (roads, 3G etc).

The trainers would train some of the local people to be able to train others in all aspects of creating solar, factory, housing, water, sewage, communications etc.  Potentially, the secondary stage may see the development of excess power and food and water that could be sold to outlying areas to help and encourage their development while providing for external funds.

The tertiary stage would encourage local development from local resources, including sensible and sustainable use of local minerals, some of which may be exported to create a self-funding region.

The infrastructure would be owned by the organisation.  The aim would be to create local ownership at the right time where the local population is capable of continuing progress.  This is of course the most difficult part of the process.  Wider education of the local population may help to provide for a sensible hand-over.

Example - Robotics for Everyone

CST has long believed that the coming Robotic systems hold both a joy and a warning.  Using the global model, CST propose an open-source organisation to pull together the current technologic solutions and create a world-wide resource of excellence.  The aim would be to provide research, funding and modular system(s) to further the viability and effectiveness of Robotics in all its guises.

Using the lure of funding, research and offering a one stop shop for a large range of modular Robotic systems, manufacturers and other research organisations such as Universities could become members. But in doing so they would be required to donate their results and research to the open-source approach.  These members would get very significant advantages by being able to take advantage of ‘plug in modules’ within a tight framework of a range of development systems.  The manufacturers could then move forward on their specific niche much more viably and quickly. This takes significant funding.  But, as it really is the future for mankind (and within reach now) such a stance is not unrealistic.

The importance of this becomes clear once we reach the tipping point of the Robotic revolution.  Such a global open-source organisation would ensure Robotics for everyone, driving down the costs of production and reducing the reliance on large (enormous) businesses that happen to find the right processes first. And then through patents and marketing create an unstoppable business model.  History shows us that such businesses (take Microsoft and Google as examples) reduce the fairness both at an individual level and at a geo-political level.  The Robotic revolution is too important to leave to chance.  It has the ability to break the human race, leaving a few extremely rich people to mop up.

The other important aspect is to ensure that future Robotic systems conform to highly non-destructive purposes and do not pose a threat to humanity.  This will not be easy to do, but without a controlling body, we shall soon find that Robotics shall be the reason d'etre behind a potential world war III or worse.

Other Potential Project ideas

How Democratic?

Democracy is often considered to be one person one vote.  CST is not convinced this provides for the best democratic processes,  (see better political systems).  Such a democratic process gets hijacked by groups of people with their own agenda, (party politics) and with necessarily limited timescales for planning change. 

But, equally, a ‘no vote’ system is likely to be deemed as undemocratic.  In the event of ‘the ‘organisers and planners’ taking the wrong road, and dismissing the rights, feelings and considerations of the wider public where would the checks and balances be?  The rotation of such organisers and planners would help to prevent massive misuse, but people expect accountability and expect the ability to call time on such a process if it is clearly not working.

Perhaps this is where we all need a fall back position, underpinned by an immutable framework for humanity, a world-wide constitution, legally binding and enforceable.  This itself begs the question of enforceability, who oversees the enforcers and who limits their capabilities?  CST proposes, (see better political systems), a nominal ‘head of state’ that has only one power and that is to dissolve the current planning groups.  In the future within an interlinked world, it is not inconceivable that a country (or sector) could monitor another with the stated purpose of preventing the local enforcers from deflecting from the agreed world-wide constitution.

So there are many issues to solve in creating a more democratic and equally world.  Technology is a massive help here.  It is now simple to provide feedback and oversight of plans and results.  It is now simple to create a framework where each individual has an input into the ideas for change and the change processes.  CST can conceive that a clever system would enable individuals to highlight specific issues and input supportive research information.  Furthermore, it is possible to consider a system that allows critical questioning, perhaps where detailed questions are chosen, some at random and some by a voting system.  These questions would need to be answered and accepted by the external review processes. The new BlockChain technology is an enabling technology for all these events, it would provide an immutable audit trail for such endeavours.

Moving the world or a part of it to such a new and untested system is pie in the sky.  This is why the proposed voluntary move to the creation of a model organisation is so important.   It would help test many of the above issues and allow wider acceptance of such planning processes.

What would it cost to fund?

Expensive.  CST suspects that it would take many hundreds of millions (£) or even a billion or two just to get enough world-wide exposure through publicity, new educational processes, lobbying and the creation of an extensive global information network.  Ah well, who has some spare cash?

Or, if the top 80 Billionaires who now own equal to wealth of the bottom 50% globally (approx £1.2 trillion) gave just one £billion each, CST guarantees to change the world!



More Reading:

  • Approval

  • Argument

  • Art

  • Attack

  • Attempt

  • Attention

  • Attentive

  • Attraction

  • Authority

  • Automatic